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Dumpster Pad Cleaning Albuquerque

Wash Patrol | Albuquerque's Elite Dumpster Pad Cleaning Service

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Dumpster Pad Cleaning Services in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Does your commercial dumpster pad turn away potential customers? If you have a commercial property in Albuquerque, New Mexico that has dumpsters and dumpster pads then the odds are you need your dumpster pad cleaned! Dumpster pads become filthy very quickly. They can be riddled with germs and bacteria, not to mention, very unsightly for potential customers and guests at your property. No need to worry, just call Wash Patrol! Wash Patrol Albuquerque specializes in commercial dumpster pad cleaning in New Mexico.

We Use Sgt. Sudds Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

We use the best supplies on the market and provide the best service in the industry!

Professional Dumpster Pad Cleaning Company Albuquerque, NM

Professional power washing and steam cleaning to dumpsters and dumpster pad areas on a regular frequency is necessity for your commercial property. Wash Patrol Albuquerque uses our famous Bomb Squad degreaser and Bacteria Buster to remove the grease and grime from your dumpster pad while sanitizing your dumpster pad areas.

Our 240 degree steaming hot water is an agent for sanitizing almost anything. We use 4000 PSI to blast away grime and build up on your concrete and to the siding of your dumpster itself. We have some scented agents that protect your property from nasty smells that are unattractive to customers. Call Wash Patrol Albuquerque today for a free dirt defense property inspection! Our dumpster pad cleaning services can successfully remove:

  • Grime
  • Build Up
  • Smells
  • Debris
  • Greases
  • Oils
  • Tire Marks
  • Food Stains

 & More!

Dumpster Pad Cleaning
Dumpster Pad Cleaning

Dumpster Pad Cleaning Company in Albuquerque, NM

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